PACKARDS of Oregon



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  Membership Meeting Minutes


November 14, 2017

The meeting was called to order at 6:58 p.m., at The Peppermill Restaurant, Aloha, OR, by Robert Douglas, Vice President and Co-Director.

Present:       Robert Douglas, Vice President            Monte Glud, President

                   John Imlay, Editor                                Joe Santana

                   Elaine Glud, Secretary                          Joe Munsch

                   Howard Freedman                               Gary & Jackie Martin

                   George & Susie Choban                      Tim Dickhaus

                   Frankie Douglas                                   Dennis Armstrong

                   Judy Ellwein                                         Matt & Karla Hackney

Packards driven to the meeting this evening: Bob & Frankie Douglas


Secretary’s report:     The reading of minutes of the last meeting held October 10, 2017, were dispensed with after motion and approval by the members. No minutes for the July 11, 2017 meeting were taken, and upon motion and approval by the members, these minutes were waived for that meeting.


Treasurer’s report:    The balance is $3,857.68 , which will soon be increased when dues are received for the next year.


Editor’s report:      Several members have written articles for the next Clipper, and any further articles are welcome and due by 12/15/17.


New Members:    John Santana, Joe’s son, has joined the Club.


Tour Guide report:     Matt said the Pumpkin Tour, scheduled for October 5, 6, 7, 8, 2018, will take place in Redmond, Oregon. The recent Garage Tour during the 2017 Pumpkin Tour will be revisited with CCCA on March 24, 2018.


The following new officers were elected at the meeting tonight:

       Matt Hackney, President             John Imlay, Vice President

       Howard Freedman, Treasurer      Unfilled, Secretary

       John Imlay, Editor                        Joe Munsch, Tour Director


The annual holiday dinner is scheduled for Sunday, December 3, 2017, 5:00 pm, at the Stockpot Restaurant. We need 25 people to keep the venue. Invitations will be in the mail, Monday 11/20/17 and are due by 11/29/17.


On Saturday, November 18, 2017, at 11:00 am, the World of Speed is putting on an event and lecture, with Marlo Treit speaking on The Target 550, the fastest wheel driven car ever made. An email has been sent to all members with details.


John has purchased Bob Newland’s 1937 Packard 12, Club Sedan, which has all original interior, and the engine was rebuilt in 2001 with 7,500 miles. Dan Murphy previously owed the car.


George wished the Club’s regards and best wishes for Evelyn Freedman, who is currently in rehab. He is still working on his 1937 Sedan (painted the car black) and 1938 Super 8, Club Sedan.


Howard said he is in need of a detail person for hire. He also mentioned his Holland license plate pen pal of many years, to whom he has been sending license plates, and has recently sent him an addition to the collection.


Monte said his 1936 Packard is running like a top after replacing the condenser. He had to have AAA haul the car home when he was returning from Portland where Tom Black had taken out some chips, etc., from the entire car which had been painted by Dave McCready 15 years ago with lacquer. Tom did an excellent job and buffed the entire car also.


Joe Santana mentioned his car engine in now back in, thanks to his son, John, helping him. His goal is to have the car ready and drive it to Pebble Beach.


Matt mentioned the British Columbia Concours is scheduled for September, 2018, with all prewar cars and is worth attending.


Howard mentioned having steering boxes rebuilt by Lares in Minnesota and to be sure on the details of what is expected and what you get from this company.


The meeting adjourned.

Submitted by:

Elaine Glud, Secretary