Bob Newlands & Jan
1927 Model 343-7P Touring
We have a full Calendar, for 2025.
Meetings are held
with CCCA at Ernestos Italian
Restaurant, 8544 SW Apple Way,
Portland, OR. Next meeting
will be February 6. See the
On Saturday, March 15, Packards of
Oregon / Oregon CCCA will
gather at Howards Garage, so
Dave & Ted Charvet can show
us some tricks of the trade for
making your Packard or Classic
look it's best. Flyer
is here.
2025 Western Regions Tour
May 15 - 18 2025 is Packards of
Oregon's turn to present the
Western Regions Tour. This event
is an annual opportunity to
gather with Packard enthusiasts
from the west coast, and enjoy
touring the area in some great
old cars. The host hotel is the
Running Y Resort in Klamath
Falls. The Registration form can
be found at THIS
LINK Joe Munsch
coordinating. Email joe.munsch.327@gmail.com
with questions

Packard Holiday
2018 Forest
Grove Concours

dedicated to the preservation
and use of Packard automobiles;
to provide a source and exchange
of history, technical assistance
and other material related to
the car and to provide and
regulate tours, events and
exhibition of the Packard.
Ownership of a Packard is not
required for membership.
Meetings are
held with CCCA and are open to
the public. The venue Ernestos Italian
Restaurant, 8544 SW Apple Way,
Portland, OR. Next meeting
will be
Thursday, January 5,
at 6PM. See the

Well, Packard made Packard of course!
was one of the greatest marques in the
history the automobile, projecting the aura,
prestige and excellence unmatched by any
other manufacturer in North America during
the years between the two world wars.
Packard has
been described as being the automobile that,
“expressed a young America’s striving for
elegance, a tradition, a heritage to match
the centuries-old culture of Europe.”
Many consider
Packard the only real competition that
Rolls-Royce ever faced.
The Packard Motor Car Company produced
1,610,890 automobiles between 1899 and 1958.
produced a famous advertising slogan that is
still being used for other products and
services today.
It was originated in 1901
by James Packard, who believed that talking
about Packards was a waste of time, best
left to the owners.
When his
secretary asked him for a sales brochure to
send to a prospective customer, Packard
replied that they had no literature and to
tell the customer to, “Ask the Man Who Owns
1921 Warren G. Harding was the first
American president to be driven in an
automobile to his inauguration.
automobile was a big, beautiful,
Twelve-cylinder “Twin-Six” Packard.
In 1937 the
first car to cross the brand new Golden Gate
Bridge was a Packard.
Packard was also responsible for many
automotive “firsts” such as:
First to use a
steering wheel instead of a tiller
First to equip cars
with balloon (pneumatic) tires as standard
First to include
front and rear bumpers as standard equipment
First to use the
selective gear shift with the “H” pattern
First to introduce
complete weather-conditioning in production
First to provide sun
First to provide a
package (glove) compartment in the instrument
First American
production car to provide four-wheel brakes as
standard equipment
First company to
build a 1,000 hp aircraft engine
First to develop and
fly a diesel aircraft engine
First American
company to offer an L-head, straight-eight
First American
company to offer a V-type, twelve-cylinder
First automobile
company to build a 24-cylinder engine
To find out more about
Packards, go to www.packardsoforegon.net which provides easy
access to the Packards or Oregon Club and
other resources on the Packard Motor Car
Company. An excellent reference
is “Packard, A History of the Motor Car and
Company,” by Beverly Rae Kimes.

Joe Munsch