Membership Signup and Renewal
Packards of Oregon memberships are yearly, starting January 1. Dues are $50 per calendar year. Membership in Packard Automobile Classics (PAC) is also required as their insurance covers members at club events. They also have great publications, fun events, and a good website. To sign up or renew your membership, choose the appropriate link below, print and fill out the form (can use "Fill and Sign" in Acrobat), and mail it, with your check to our Membership Coordinator, Howard Freedman, at:
Packards of Oregon
Membership Coordinator
POBox 42127
Portland, OR 97242
New member form
Member renewal form
Ownership of a Packard is not a requirement for membership in Packards of Oregon. To enable your car to be presented under Club Cars on this website, please email a photo in jpeg format to the webmaster, linked at the bottom of this page.
Join us!