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April 11, 2017


The meeting was called to order at 6:54 p.m., at The Peppermill Restaurant, Aloha, OR, by Monte Glud, President .


Present: Monte Glud, President   Bob Douglas, Vice President

              John Imlay, Editor                Joe Santana

              Elaine Glud, Secretary          Matt Hackney

              Tom Taylor                           Jeremy Wilson

              Wade & Patsy Miller           Dave McCready

              Frankie Douglas                   William Price

              Joe Munsch                          Stan & Beverly Richards

              Margy Imlay (dinner only)   Karla Hackney


Packards driven to the meeting this evening: Robert & Frankie Douglas


Secretary’s report: The reading of minutes of the last meeting held March 14, 2017, were dispensed with after motion and approval by the members.


Treasurer’s report: The balance is $4,772.93, which Howard had emailed to Elaine, since he and Evelyn were not at the meeting due to Evelyn’s eye surgery..


Editor’s report: The Clipper has been mailed. Beverly said the Clipper was “outstandingly stunning,” which was agreed upon by the entire membership. John said Joe Santana should be given credit for the art work.


Monte mentioned the Swap meet as being fun as usual.


Robert reminded the members of the West Coast Packards Tour to Ferndale/Eureka, California, area, which is scheduled for May 19-20, 2017. The deadline for registration is May 1, 2017. The group will meet in Grants Pass on May 17, 2017, and caravan to their destination. Sylvia Potter is making arrangements for hotel reservations. Wade is to call the coordinator and offer his extra fuse holders for those attending the event and Robert will deliver them to the event.


Matt had been “cruising” Craig’s list on the internet and handed out flyers of 4 cars for sale.


John mentioned that ethanol-free gas is no longer available at the Laurel General Store, according to the new owners. Several places are still available: Reid Rental in Newberg, 2 in Lake Oswego, Carlton and Cornelius. He asked the group if the outer shutters worked properly on the hood, would an internal thermostat be necessary? The answer was no, an internal thermostat would not be necessary.


Bill Price and Jeremy Wilson were welcomed back as they had been absent for a period of time.


The program for the evening was an interview with Dave McCready regarding his restoration career, which has been extensive and unique over a long period of time. Dave became interested in cars at about age 11 or 12. His dad had a collection of cars and encouraged Dave to learn painting and other skills, including purchasing paint guns, electrical wiring, using a hammer as the “best tool.” He likes working on cars and talking about them. His view on the future of antique cars is that over the years people will always want to reminisce about the cars they grew up with and will restore their own era cars. Dave started out with a Model T, and was enamored by Rolls Royce cars (he had 5 of them over the years). When he was 17, he and his friend drove a 1916 Twin 6 Packard to Missoula, Montana, when he graduated from high school. His dad followed them. The speed was 45-50 miles per hour and gas was 10-12 miles per gallon. The brakes were not the best. Dave’s dad thought Packards were the finest automobile in the world. Dave prefers painting with lacquer acrylic as it blends in so easily for repairs, with no edge or differences to color, and has a quick drying time. After questions from the members, the meeting adjourned.


Submitted by Elaine Glud, Secretary